join us.
No job is easy, nor too difficult either.

what do we look for exactly?
it ain't that difficult, trust me.

We're primarily looking for those who are capable of direct communication.
The more straightforward-like, the better.
We've been in the secondhand phone market scene for a while and the one thing we notice the most is the seller themselves.

Their way of talking, communicating, dealing and closing a deal. It's always a script.

We don't need that.

laidback attitude.

It's great having a professional attitude, don't get us wrong.
But not everything needs to be sugarcoated.

We prefer to be more direct with our customers, even when it comes to closing deals.
Money maybe in the play, but it doesn't mean the world will run out of it.

Be straightforward, be direct, but show hospitality towards the person you are doing business with. Treat them with respect, show them transparency, not mosaic.

no such thing as stupid questions.

Questions will be asked, answers won't always appear. Ask, don't sit and question yourself over something that can be easily answered by other people.

Even if you think that it's a stupid question (which it probably will be), ask.

It's better to understand other's perspective, than to question it by and to yourself. Communicate with one another, don't fear to ask for help.

have the confidence.

Despite our business primarily being online, we will eventually have to meet up with the clients we do deals with. Although it would be anybody's dream to never have to work face to face with people, you will have to meet your clients eventually.

Learn to communicate, understand and be vocal when doing business.
Shaky voice is normal, being silent when questions are being asked is awkward.

Be open, don't just be silent.

last but not least, be transparent.

And we don't just mean to us, be transparent to your customers. Whether it's something you're selling, promoting or introducing.

Be transparent with your clients.

No point in hiding something that isn't worth hiding. Doesn't matter if it's a flaw in the product or something that just is out of your control. Be reasonable, be firm, but be understandably transparent.

something a little different than usual.

With us, you're more than just working aimlessly. You'll learn to connect, communicate, experience.
To open a conversation, to close a deal. You'll learn to negotiate and solve problems.
You won't be just sitting in a cubicle or in your room all day, you'll be seeing both morning and night, whichever you choose.
make your own deals, close them whichever way you want.

so what are you waiting for?
join us today.

Runner 🌆

Agent 👓