Let us be your trusted source for quality you can count on.
whatever model it is,
we've got you covered.
Whether you need it fast, in bulk, or both. We'll get it ready for you.
No MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) ✓
No SSM Requirement ✓
No Deposits Requirement ✓
Bigger Quantity, Lower Prices ✓
Doesn't matter if it's used.
As long as they last without any issues.
not reconditioned, not refurbished, just secondhand.
what we offer
Invoice Modification
Ready for our beloved customers &
dealers from overseas.
Wholesale Accessories & Add-Ons
Whatever you need,
we'll get it ready for you.
Box + IMEI Set
May not be brand new but we can make it look brand new.
Local/Private Courier
Just to make sure it arrives in one piece,
We'll deliver it to you.
No SSM Requirement
Doesn't matter whether you're a shop owner, local running agent or just someone who does it as a side job.
Market Based Prices
Prices are based on the online and offline market and will be updated weekly. Whether it goes up or down,
that's what the price will be based on.
Local Cash On Delivery Service
Within range of Kuala Lumpur area is free of charge!
*Range outside of KL will require an upfront payment of RM20
Out Of Range Cash On Delivery Quotation
Pricing quote for range outside of Kuala Lumpur area
Fill in the form now and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Or you can directly contact us via WhatsApp.